About MOI
Montebello Intermediate School promotes educational achievement in our students through focused standards based instructional programs with high academic expectations and a skilled highly qualified teaching and support staff. We maintain a safe, secure, and nurturing environment. We strive to prepare our students to participate in a diverse and constantly changing world.
Montebello Intermediate School has a reciprocal relationship between our school community and the City of Montebello. Our goal is to work with students, staff, parents, and community members as a collective team to provide the highest quality education for our students and promote active, positive participation in our communities. Goals for our students are established through a process including local, state, and federal school visions. The Montebello Intermediate assessment program uses standardized test results (norm referenced and criterion referenced) and internal monitoring practices to align state standards with the curriculum. Our school addresses local needs through vertical articulation with our feeder schools: Winter Gardens Elementary, Greenwood Elementary, Washington Elementary, Wilcox Elementary, and articulation with Montebello High School. Dialogue and decision making with community stakeholders are accomplished though the School Site Council, English Learner Advisory Committee, Title I / CEAC Advisory Committee, PTA and many service and business linkages.
Our school is committed to the belief that all students can learn regardless of prior academic or personal experience, culture, language, or socioeconomic status. Our curriculum is aligned to the state standards and focused on goal setting, development of critical thinking, technology experience, and curriculum mastery. Universal access to the core curriculum for our special education students, English language learners, and advanced learners is embedded in the differentiation of instruction, activities, and materials provided our students. Special services designed to meet the needs of identified students include Title 1, Resource Specialist Program (RSP), Severely Handicapped classes, an Orthopedically Handicapped Class, Special Day Classes, Bilingual Program Option classes, primary language support for English learners, Adapted Physical Education classes, Speech/Language Program, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) classes, and the Gifted and Talented Education classes. MOI has adopted the Cycle of Effective Instruction (PLC) (PLC) to guide our instruction for our students with an emphasis on our At Risk/Title 1 population.
Montebello Intermediate School has an experienced and professional staff which consists of thirty six teachers including 3.5 resource specialists, two Special Day Class teachers, one teacher for our Read 180 Lab, one teacher of severely handicapped students, and one teacher of orthopedically handicapped students. There are eleven special education instructional assistants, a computer lab instructional assistant, one additional instructional assistant that works in our computer lab, and six AVID tutors. Support staff includes the Principal, one Assistant Principal, Intervention Facilitator-Federal and State, Teacher Specialist/English Learner Facilitator, three Counselors, a Psychologist, two Speech/Language Specialists, one Speech/Language Specialist Intern, two Adapted Physical Education teachers, a nurse, and a Librarian Assistant.
Montebello Intermediate is on a modified traditional school year calendar. Our sixth grade students receive curriculum instruction through a triad rotation schedule. Seventh and eighth grade students receive classroom instruction utilizing a six period and/or block schedule. These settings allow larger blocks of time for our Title 1 At Risk students allowing for intervention within the school day, collaborative learning, and the development of positive student-teacher relationships which promote increased student achievement.
Montebello Intermediate follows the Montebello Unified School District’s Master Plan for English Learners. Montebello Intermediate provides all English Learners in Grades 6-8 equal access to a challenging core curriculum and assists our students in becoming productive members of our society. Our school offers three program options for our English Language Learners from which parents/guardians may choose: Structured English Immersion, Mainstream English and Bilingual Program Option. These options comply with education Code §§ 300-340 and with Title 5, California Code of Regulations.
Montebello Intermediate upholds leadership and guidance programs that address the resiliency needs of students. MOI has a Student Council, General School Committee, and a Leadership class, which plans activities throughout the year. MOI is involved in a school wide program on alcohol, tobacco and violence prevention and Peace Builders Program. Other programs involving MOI students are Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID), the Washington D.C. Study Trip (8thGraders), Intramural Sports, Technology Labs, and After School Tutoring for our students with emphasis on At Risk /Title 1 students. The counseling program and parenting program is equipped with private counseling quarters for individual and/or group counseling. These programs not only provide students and parents with services, but also encourage student self discipline, self-esteem, healthy relationship building, and the resiliency development our students need to become socially conscious and productive citizens of the world.
Montebello Intermediate School promotes collective responsibility through continual and open communication among school site members. Vehicles for making progress at the school site include individual and collaborative planning time, support staff meetings, data meeting/grade level meetings with or Cycle of Effective Instruction (PLC) vertical team meetings, and professional development. In support of teacher planning and collaboration, Mondays are modified days, providing frequent opportunities for professional support to effectively take place. Professional Development not only encompasses the more traditional values of education in academics and achievement, our school stays abreast of the current and technological trends in our changing world. The staff at Montebello Intermediate is involved in technology training at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.
Montebello Intermediate School is a reflection of its community and culture. In order to maintain our dedication to the community, Montebello has undergone major physical changes. The campus has been undergoing modernization to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Classroom ramps, bathrooms and signs in Braille have been updated and/or installed. All classrooms are equipped with telephones and the school wiring has been updated to meet computer and technological needs.
Montebello Intermediate School serves students in grades five through eight. Students are drawn from a heterogeneous community including Montebello, parts of East Los Angeles, and various parts of the City of Commerce. There are 1248 students enrolled in the school. Hispanic students comprise 96.16% of the student body; less than 1% is black; less than 1% is Asian or Pacific Islander; and 2.1% are white. 33% of the students are English Language Learners. 76% of students receive free and reduced lunches.