SSC - Virtual Meeting - Junta Virtual Del Concilio Del Plantel Escolar Topic: Approval of School plan for student achievementTema: Aprobacion del Plan Unico para el Logro Estudiantil
MHS Dance Concert Career Technical Education - ROP Invites you to come to the MHS Dance ConcertTickets are available at the door
SSC ad ELAC Meeting Please join us for the SSC and ELAC meeting. We will be discussing the parent and family engagement policy and the home compact. Please come and give us your input.
MOI's Blood Drive a Big Success! Thank you to all who participated. Parents and staff supported the blood drive. Students assisted with directing and supporting Red Cross personnel.
Parent Workshop - click here for more information/haga click aqui para mas informacion Join us for free Parent workshops. These workshops are presented by Parent Education Bridge For Student Achievement and the topic is Growth Mindset.Acompanenos a unos Talleres de Padres. Es una introduccion al concepto de mentalidad de crecimiento.
Minimum Day Change Please note the minimum day for this week has been changed to accommodate our SBAC testing needs and Open House which is on Thursday, May 12th.
Cafe Virtual con el Director - Hoy, 5-12-22 at las 4:00 p.m. Noche Virtual de Casa Abierta. Haga Click aqui para entrar a Zoom. Visite nuestra Casa Abierta Virtual para ver que estan aprentiendo nuestros alumnos en clase.